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Who works for a confused?
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Who works for a confused?

Who works for a confused?

Who works for elite prostitutes Much to say about the leisure of prostitutes. About their dreams, about how they dream of getting married, having children and keeping house. But many prostitutes, especially of the elite class, who are so accustomed to luxury and freedom of action, simply cannot do without their assistants and helpers.


Elite prostitutes at home.

Are they confused about any housework? Of course not, ladies do not participate. Taking care of their appearance, they have neither the time nor the energy for it. And why should I do it myself, when, with good money, professionals can do it. Prostitutes are professionals of their kind, so they prefer everything to be perfect.

To do this, they hire workers for the house. For many elite prostitutes, domestic workers are not so easy to get, they have too high demands. The cook must be an exceptionally professional.

If a prostitute has special tastes in food, her cook should be able to prepare food that will suit the taste of the hostess. The maid should clean everything perfectly.

High grade confidants value cleanliness in their home, as the home for them is also a workplace, and it must be appropriate for guests.

Elite prostitutes pay attention to their security. In most cases, prostitutes, possessing expensive cars behind the wheel do not drive themselves. They hire workers as drivers, who in turn are drivers and a security guard.

The appearance of the driver resembles a super agent. Athletic, high necessarily with a sports category, possessing martial arts.

Over the appearance of girls, stylists and makeup artists work. Girls do not change habits, and once choosing a worker for themselves, they remain faithful to him. In order they bring themselves only in beauty salons. Prostitutes trust themselves only to the experts checked by them. Hair care, hands, body everything in the hands of beauty salon employees. For physical support, girls have their own personal trainer, who composes individual exercises. In this case, it is he who watches her sportiness.

As for health, here the Kiev prostitutes of the elite class do not stint. Carefully taking care of their health and their reputation, the "priestesses of love" regularly undergo examination by their doctors. After going through all the procedures, starting with breakfast and ending with a round of doctors. An elite prostitute is ready to become for you the most depraved, most tender priestess of love.

To fulfill all the whims of the client she will be helped only by the charm, experience and sex toys that the prostitute is very good at.

Maybe the girls do not take part in the affairs of the family, so there is an explanation for this that they have a job that does not allow them to look like a house worker. They can only play the role of sexual house worker.


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